Day Eleven

January 19, 2023 00:02:04
Day Eleven
21 Days of Prayer
Day Eleven

Jan 19 2023 | 00:02:04


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Jesus Is The Baptizer With The Holy Spirit

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 This is Pastor Steve at Westside Church in Bend, Oregon. Throughout these 21 days, we will spend some time every day in prayer together. After today's episode, find more resources for you and your [email protected] slash 21 days. Welcome to day 11. Jesus is the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit. I wanna encourage you to join and pray today with a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit upon us. John chapter one, verses 32 and 33, says that John gave his testimony, I saw the spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on Jesus. I would not have known him except that the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, the man on whom you see the spirit come down and remain is He who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. In Acts chapter two, the believers were all assembled and waiting. When suddenly, that's what it says. Speaker 0 00:01:02 Suddenly Jesus's Holy Spirit, baptism happened and it, and it's not just something that we can witness, it's a manifestation of God that we can live and experience. So my prayer for all of us today is that we would be filled fresh with God's power. Let's pray. We ask you, Jesus, for the power of the Holy Spirit to be made manifest through each of us as an expression of your love toward those who do not know you. Jesus, we ask you for a release of the gifts of the Holy Spirit for healing and for prophecy to light up our neighborhoods and communities with your goodness. Jesus made the power of the Holy Spirit build up our churches and strengthen them to be powerful beacons of your good news, your mission, and your eternal purpose. We pray in Jesus' name, amen.

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