Day Seven

January 15, 2023 00:01:58
Day Seven
21 Days of Prayer
Day Seven

Jan 15 2023 | 00:01:58


Show Notes

Unity In Jesus

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 This is Pastor Steve at Westside Church in Bend, Oregon. Throughout these 21 days, we will spend some time every day in prayer together. After today's episode, find more resources for you and your [email protected] slash 21 days. Welcome to day seven, unity in Jesus. It's only through the love and bond of Christ that we can unite in these divided times. Ephesians chapter four, verse three tells us to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. In an era where culture is inundated with divisive ideas that polarize and separate us, Jesus calls us to love one another, defining that love as how the world would know that we are actually his followers. So we're praying that the Lord would help us focus on what we have in common and model what it looks like when we respect differences rather than, rather than letting those differences divide us. So let's pray. Lord, we pray that our love would be an effective witness to a watching world. Lord, help us to unite with our brothers and sisters and other churches and around the world in a way that displays your grace to our world. Lord, we pray for creative ways to tangibly show the love of Christ to our neighbors and our communities as we partner with other churches in our cities. And Lord, we pray for wisdom that you would lead us toward greater unity within our churches. In Jesus' name, amen.

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